Hands-On Harley-Davidson™ - Betty Brinn Children's Museum Milwaukee - Betty Brinn Children's Museum Milwaukee

Hands-On Harley-Davidson™

STEM education—and the wind in your face!
(1,200–1,500 square feet)

Features include:

For additional exhibit information, click the links below:
Hands-On Harley-Davidson Exhibit Overview
Hands-On Harley-Davidson Sample Floorplan
Hands-On Harley Davidson Media Page: Password Required

Hands-On Harley-Davidson national tour is sponsored by:


Hands-On Harley-Davidson was created by the Betty Brinn Children’s Museum in collaboration with Harley-Davidson Motor Company. Hands-On Harley-Davidson and Harley-Davidson are trademarks of H-D and are used with permission. © 2024 H-D. All rights reserved.

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