The Museum Center Park garage, which is adjacent to the Museum, has designated accessible parking spaces. A small number of exhibit components are not wheelchair-accessible. An adult wheelchair is available at no charge.
For additional information about Museum accessibility, click here.
A Museum staff member may be taking photos/recording video during your family's visit. Please inform a Guest Experience team member or the photographer if you would prefer not to have your photo taken or be in a video. You will be notified if any images of your family are captured. Photos are primarily used for social media purposes. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact and review our Photography-Videography policy.
Guest photographs, video and recordings taken on Museum property shall be for private, noncommercial use only. Photography of children or families who are not part of your group is prohibited.
We would love to see your museum moments! Share your photos with #bettybrinn.
Guest Wi-Fi is available in the Museum.
Service Animals
Service dogs trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability are welcome in the Museum.
Smoking and vaping are not permitted in the Museum or pavilion.
Solicitation Policy
Unauthorized solicitation or petitioning is prohibited at the Museum.
An open coat area is available. Please keep your belongings with you during your visit. The Museum is not responsible for lost or stolen items. A limited number of lockers are available free of charge on a first-come, first-served basis.
Weapons, including concealed carry, are prohibited at the Betty Brinn Children’s Museum. Guests entering our space with a weapon of any kind will be asked to return them to their vehicle before beginning a Museum visit. Guests who do not respect our policy will be asked to leave the building, and security or police may be called.